Several parts of the United Kingdom faced a heatwave on Monday, 11 July 2022, including London, East England, and Yorkshire. According to UKHSA, the soaring temperature could lead to illness and death even amongst the young and healthy residents of the country.
After Met Office issued a forecast that denoted that the maximum temperature could reach upto 43° C by the end of this week, locals started panicking.
Additionally, a Cobra meeting was held by senior officials where it was discussed that if the temperature exceeds 40° C, the UKHSA may declare it a national emergency.
During this time, people have been advised to remain hydrated and avoid going out between 11 am to 3 pm when the UV rays are the strongest. Moreover, according to The Independent, the Trades Union Congress has urged the higher authorities to relax their employees’ dress codes and offer flexible working hours.
Besides, the officials have also ruled out the possibility of road closures and delays/cancellations of flights and trains due to high temperatures.
While the weather forecasters have predicted light rain in some parts of the UK during this week, they have also revealed that it will not provide relief from the heatwave.
Last time the hottest day in the UK was recorded in July 2019, when the temperature soared to 38.7° C.
That was all regarding the UK heatwave alert. For more such information, keep visiting We keep updating our website with the latest national news from the country.