Just ahead of the appointment of a new Prime Minister in the United Kingdom, the NHS is facing a shortage of healthcare workers. The situation is described as “a workforce crisis” in which England seems to suffer the most.
According to BBC, the country is short of 12,000 hospital doctors and 50,000 nurses and midwives. Not only could it put the lives of patients at risk, but it could also jeopardize tackling the Covid-19 outbreak. Additionally, the maternity service is facing a lot of trouble since there is a need for 2500 employees only in this particular department.
The understaffing of healthcare workers is blamed on the previous government, which could not build a suitable strategy.
Moreover, the chairman of the Commons health and social care select committee is implying that the new Prime Minister should prioritize tackling shortages over any other issue as soon as he/she comes to power.
On the other hand, the current healthcare officials have assured everybody that they are coming up with plans to recruit more staff.
The crisis is putting a lot of pressure on the rest of the NHS workers, who are overburdened and have been dealing with coronavirus patients for three years now.
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