Researchers from Cambridge University have finally concluded that there is no sign of life on Venus by analyzing the clouds found in its atmosphere. Previously, astronomers detected a thick layer of cloud surrounding the planet.
They immediately suspected that there has to be life on the planet that is leading to the accumulation of all the chemicals.
The team of researchers studied a combination of atmospheric and biochemical models that determined the chemical composition of Venus’ atmosphere. It showed a high level of sulfur dioxide that gets sucked out at higher altitudes.
Additionally, they also tried to reduce the SO2 levels to check if it could assist in metabolic reactions. This may help the lifeforms to get their food. However, they found that the drop in SO2 can only result if the level of other molecules rises.
Moreover, the scientists added that if life on Venus is responsible for high levels of SO2 around its atmosphere, many things need to be re-evaluated.
Venus is often considered the long-lost twin of Earth due to the similarities between the two planets. They are almost equal in size, density, volume, and mass. Moreover, it is also believed that Venus was formed nearly when Earth was formed.
So, we hope that the studies carried out by the scientist do not go to waste.
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