Ongoing, Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022. Although this war is also called the “Russo-Ukraine War” which is a war ongoing between Russia, including together with pro-Russian separatist forces and Ukraine. The whole United Kingdom knows, the phony war is over now and the real war has begun. For several weeks, we all believed that Vladimir Putin is in full intention of invasion of Ukraine. And it is now happening as well. At the same time, this is very clear that this is not a limited attack, confined to the disputed regions of Eastern Ukraine. Massive explosions have been heard over Capital Ukraine, Kyiv.
Although the Western Security Services have accurately predicted the course of events up until now, that means the course of explosion and massive disturbance into the society. Now, the United Kingdom is also believing that Putin intends to overthrow the Ukraine Government and install a puppet regime in its place thoroughly. This is a “decapitation” theory. This “decapitation” strategy will not only take in the central government but also in regional and local governments. At the same time, lists have been drawn up of Ukraine officials who will be arrested or killed.
The several governments of several states are also actively debating over this situation and the massive explosion strategies. Also, plans have been drawn by them for how to help a Ukraine insurgency to fight a Russian occupation. However, the supporters of such a plan of action believe that it will be our moral duty to help Ukraine. But, there are such believers as well who do not want to put their feet in this mud. Because such insurgency could turn Ukraine into a new Syria on the borders.
The analysts of the United Kingdom are estimating that these debates will take an increasing urgency in the coming weeks. But, for now, Putin has all the initiative into the situation. The whole United Kingdom knows, the phony war is over now and the real war has begun. For several weeks, we all believed that Vladimir Putin is in full intention of invasion of Ukraine.
And it is now happening as well. Now, the United Kingdom is also believing that Putin intends to overthrow the Ukraine Government and install a puppet regime in its place thoroughly. And adding to the above information, it is also have been debated that this war could change the Global Economic Order drastically.