We all have been in a scenario where we have felt insecure or insulted. Since childhood, many of us have dealt with insults or even been bullied. Either by our friends, family, or some random stranger, but we all have experienced insults in some way or the other.
This is a big issue that can impact the mindset of a person and make them conscious of themselves. Insults really have a massive influence on a person’s personality that can make someone struggle throughout.
But what can someone do in a scenario where they are being insulted or bullied? Many people don’t know how to tackle such situations and end up being disheartened or having anger issues.
This can be really hard, Especially when you don’t want to stoop down to their level and still want to take a stand for yourself.
If you have also been in such an awkward situation where you don’t know how to take a stand for yourself. Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. In this article, we will share some smart things to say when someone insults you.
This way, you can smartly escape such awkward situations without making them uncomfortable and yet give the other person a lesson to learn that they are messing with the wrong person. So let us get started.
Savage and Smart Reply
When you are in a situation where someone is insulting or bullying you, I know it can be difficult to come up with a reply on the spot. That is why when someone insults you, you can make them learn a lesson by being smart with your replies.
Instead of being derogatory like them, you can tackle the situation with a savage and smart reply. This way, you can maintain your dignity and not lose your calm, and this will also give the other person a taste of their own medicine.
Here are some savage and smart comebacks that you can use in your defense:
1. I may not be the best, but at least I am not you.
By coming up with this reply, you are making the other person know that you are least bothered by their comment and they can not affect you in any way.
Moreover, it will also be a clear red flag for them not to bother you ever again as they might also get back a harder one from you as well.
2. If under a Zombie attack, you would be safe!
As we all have seen in the movie, zombies always feed on someone’s brain. Because feeding on someone’s brain makes them feel better about themself as they think they are easing the suffering of others.
So whenever someone makes you feel inferior or insulted. Use this zombie and the brain reference on them, and they will feel what it is like to be bashed.
3. That’s a really good coping mechanism to hide your own insecurities by insulting others.
This is so deep this it will really make the other person realize their own psychology. Because when someone is emotionally or mentally damaged, only then will they use such a harsh world for others to mask their own wounds and scars.
This has even been found in studies that people who are insecure and sad themself use this tactic to get attention from others.
4. Your parents should hug you a little more as a kid.
This is a really good reply and is also an indirect insult. This means they are not loved enough as a child, and that is why they have this personality now.
Moreover, when someone is not hugged enough or loved by their parents, they keep on trying to fill the void in them. However, this is reflected in their personality and how they treat others.
5. Have a look in the mirror before judging me.
This is a really smart and good response when someone is making you feel insulted. Having a look in the mirror means first looking at your own self and making sure you are perfect before passing judgment on others. This is a really good way to give them the taste of their own medicine.
6. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed every single day?
Waking up on the wrong side of the bed means things are not going as per they have planned, and it is not a good day for them.
Giving this as a reply to someone who is trying to insult you is an effective way to shut someone up.
7. I think there is a problem Everywhere you go.
This reply can really make the other person realize that the actual problem lies in themself only.
Moreover, before commenting on anybody, they should know that they cause an unnecessary scene where ever they go.
Usually, people like to be the light of the place, and this reply can make them realize what they are doing and spoil everything by just being there.
8. I would hate myself, too, if I were you!
This is a sarcastic and savage reply to someone who is trying to insult you. Moreover, someone who insults others is a person full of hate within himself.
This is a good reply to hold a mirror in front of them, and they will keep on thinking about what makes others hate them. Is it their personality? Is it their attitude? Or is it the way they look?
This way, you will also come across as someone whom they should not mess around with ever again.
9. It would be really nice if you burned some calories every time you utter such Rubbish.
Sometimes you have to stoop down to their level to beat them in their own game. You can use such a reply whenever someone tries to insult you or body shame you.
You need to take a stand for yourself and give them back in their own language. This reply will make them realize that they are using their mouth for nothing.
Moreover, it would be really nice if they would burn some calories while using their mouth to utter such baseless and rubbish comments.
10. Life would be Much Easier if you came with a Mute Button.
This is my personal favorite in this list as this is a smart yet funny way of shutting someone up and telling them they need to stay within their limits.
This way, you are telling them that it is way better that they should keep quiet rather than use their words to insult someone. It is the best way to teach them a lesson that if you can’t say something good, do not say anything at all.
11. And that is exactly why no one likes you!
This is an epic response to someone who is trying to insult you, as you can make them realize on that spot that their nasty behavior is the reason why no one like being with them.
This can actually make the other person realize that they need to fix their attitude. Moreover, the problem lies in themself; that is why people don’t like being around them because of their tendency to insult others and make them feel inferior.
12. Wonder how someone can Embarrass themselves Over and Over again.
This is a comeback that will leave the other person speechless and make them realize that they are making a fool of themselves only by passing these comments or by insulting you.
Moreover, they will also feel that you are least bothered by their insult, and they cannot insult you in any way. However, they will think twice before making you feel insulted in any way.
13. Shh… wise people are talking, so you should keep quiet.
If you know that someone is going to make a nasty comment or is going to insult you, then you should use this reply to keep their mouth shut.
Moreover, this comment will also make them realize that they are not wise enough to have a logical conversation with you. All they can do is pass a baseless comment which is not needed.
14. Oh, I am really sorry. Were you trying to insult me?
This reply can make the other person feel ashamed and will also make them realize that they are unheard. Moreover, the other person will also realize that you are already aware of their intentions.
However, their comment will not affect you as you didn’t even pay attention to what they were saying. They will know that even if they were trying to insult you, it is not going to work as their opinion is not needed here.
15. HA-HA-HA, And I thought only my jokes were bad.
This is a solid way of giving it back. This comeback is so savage, and you will make them feel insulted for trying to insult you.
Instead of getting offended here, you laughed at them, and that is what is going to hurt them. That their comment is laughable and will also make them realize that if they ever try to insult you, you will give it back and roast them instead of hurt or offended.
16. You have your entire life to be a bully. Why not take a day off today?
This is an epic response to an insult. With this reply, you are making the other person know that they are being a bully, and such behavior is not required today. So why not take a day off and try to be a better person just for a day?
After this reply from you, I am sure that the person will hold back and have a moment of self-realization and what they are doing.
17. Too bad you can’t photoshop your personality.
After someone is done passing a comment on you. Do not take it to your heart and just give this as a comeback. You have no idea how this will affect the other person.
They will remember this for a long time and will never mess with you again. This way, you are roasting the other person by telling them you actually feel sorry for them and that they can’t change their personality.
18. All I can see is a Reflection of a Sad Soul.
This is again a way of telling the other person that you feel sorry for them, and it is their own negativity that is being reflected through their actions.
Hate comes from a sad and lonely place. Moreover, instead of being offended, you should feel sorry for them because they have a sad and lonely soul.
Here are some other tips and tricks to tackle an Insult
I hope after reading the above article, you now have some smart things to say when someone insults you. But also keep in mind that you when to use such comebacks.
Moreover, understand the circumstances and whom you are talking to. You just have to be smart with your comebacks do not try to insult someone.
Whenever dealing with such a situation, just keep calm and then respond. Moreover, you don’t always have to give it back aggressively sometimes; saying things indirectly or with a hint of humor is way more effective than degrading someone.
Always remember to take a stand for yourself whenever necessary, and you should always maintain your composure and dignity.
The Bottom Line
We have all been in such situations where we couldn’t think of a comeback. So there is no harm in preparing yourself to deal with such a situation. Even there are some celebrities like Andrew Tate who are really an example of how they handle trolls and insults.
Moreover, don’t ever take such insults to your heart, and never let anyone make you feel inferior. Just keep believing in yourself and never give someone the power to control your feeling and emotions.
Remember, it’s all in your head, and whom you let affect your state of mind. So keep these things in mind, and the above-listed smart things to say when someone insults you will definitely help you out in any situation.